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;;; LLoad.lsp
;;; Copyright (C) 1990 by Autodesk, Inc.
;;; by Jan S. Yoder
;;; 01 February 1990
;;; This routine allows you to create a list of AutoLisp file names that
;;; you load frequently, and allows you to load any of them by typing
;;; the number associated with the file name. This file name can be any
;;; legal pathname with d4rive letters, etc. that is acceptable to the
;;; platform or machine on which AutoCAD is running. This can be very
;;; helpful in a networking situation where the file you wish to load is
;;; on a path such as n:\acad\ourstuff\lsp\etc\foo.lsp. Typing
;;; (load "n:\acad\ourstuff\lsp\etc\foo")
;;; with the correct syntax is something best left alone.
;;; By using Lload, you can reduce the number of times that you need to
;;; type long path names, and remember the exact syntax to a single time,
;;; and you don't even need to remember the syntax.
;;; LLoad
;;; The first time you run Lload.lsp, you will be asked whether or not you
;;; want a default file built. If you answer No, then you can type the
;;; name of a file you want loaded. However, if you answer Yes, a new,
;;; blank file called lload.dfs is created for you, and you may begin
;;; adding file names to it.
;;; Build a new default file? <Y>:
;;; LispLoad Version 1.00
;;; Available Lisp files:
;;; Add/Remove an entry/<Number to load>: (a)
;;; Lisp routine name to load <No default>:
;;; Type Add to add a file name. When you do this, the routine checks to
;;; see that the file does exist, and if it does, it is loaded into
;;; memory and added to the list. The list is then displayed again, and
;;; you are prompted as before. You may add as many routines to the list
;;; as you wnat, as long as AutoCAD has the memory to load them.
;;; You may also remove items from the menu by typing the number associated
;;; with it. However, this does not remove the routine from memory; you
;;; must leave the current AutoCAD drawing session to do that.
;;; Number of entry to remove from list:
;;; After you have several items in the list, you may load or reload the
;;; routine simply by typing its number.
;;; Pressing RETURN at the Add/Remove prompt exits you from the routine
;;; without doing anything.
;;; XLoad/XULoad
;;; There is a parallel routine called XLoad which allows you to maintain
;;; a similar list of external functions written in ADS. The prompts and
;;; structure are the same. XULoad allows you to unload ADS functions
;;; from the same list.
;;; Function main
(defun l_load (xld unload / a ll_ver ll_oe ll_oer ll_err ll_oc xld deffi I_LIST)
(setq ll_ver "1.00b") ; Reset this local if you make a change.
(setq ll_xpf (ll_cpf (getvar "acadprefix" )))
(setq ll_llf "lload.dfs") ; Reset this local if you make a change.
(setq ll_xlf "xload.dfs") ; Reset this local if you make a change.
(if ll_err ; Set our new error handler
(setq ll_oer ll_err)
;; Internal error handler defined locally
(defun ll_err (s) ; If an error (such as CTRL-C) occurs
; while this command is active...
(if (/= s "Function cancelled")
(if (= s "quit / exit abort")
(princ (strcat "\nError: " s))
(if deffi (setq deffi (close deffi)))
(command "undo" "end")
(if ll_oe ; If an old error routine exists
(setq *error* ll_oe) ; then, reset it
(setvar "cmdecho" ll_oc) ; Reset command echoing on error
;; Body of LLOAD function
(if *error* ; Set our new error handler
(setq ll_oe *error* *error* ll_err)
(setq *error* ll_err)
(setq ll_oc (getvar "cmdecho")) ; Save current state of command echoing
(setvar "cmdecho" 0) ; Turn off command echoing
(command "undo" "group") ; Start an UNDO group
;; Look for the default file.
(setq deffi (ll_lfx (if xld ll_xlf ll_llf) "r"))
;; If found, then process, else create one and process
(if deffi
(ll_gos) ; LLoad_Get_OptS
(ll_bdf) ; LLoad_Build_Default_File
(setq deffi (ll_lfx (if xld ll_xlf ll_llf) "r"))
(if deffi
(ll_gos) ; LLoad_Get_OptS
(princ "\n\tCouldn't open the default file for reading. ")
(if deffi (setq deffi (close deffi)))
(command "undo" "end") ; End the UNDO group
(if ll_oe ; If an old error routine exists
(setq *error* ll_oe) ; then, reset it
(if ll_oer ; Reset the old error handler
(setq ll_err ll_oer)
(setvar "cmdecho" ll_oc) ; Reset command echoing
;;; Look for an external definition file in AutoCAD's search path
;;; ll_lfx == LLoad_Look_For_Xfile
(defun ll_lfx (f_name r_or_w / lfile temp)
;; Look for f_name in AutoCAD's search paths.
(if (= r_or_w "w")
(if (setq temp (open f_name r_or_w))
temp ; Return file descriptor
(princ (strcat "\n\tCouldn't open " f_name " for writing. "))
(if (setq lfile (findfile f_name))
(if (setq temp (open lfile r_or_w))
temp ; Return file descriptor
(princ (strcat "\n\tCouldn't open " f_name " for reading. "))
nil ; or nil
;;; Get the user's options
;;; ll_gos == LLoad_Get_OptS
(defun ll_gos (/ d_item max_ls ans)
(if textpage (textpage) (textscr)) ; For Release 10
(setq ans T)
(setq deffi (close deffi))
(while ans
;; LLoad_Look_For_Xfile
(setq deffi (ll_lfx (if xld ll_xlf ll_llf) "r"))
(if (null deffi)
(setq ans nil)
(if xld
(ll_rux ";;; XLOAD Default Files" 1 23)
(ll_rux ";;; LISP Default Files" 1 22)
(if xld
(if unload
(princ (strcat "\n\tXUnLoad Version " ll_ver
"\n\tAvailable ADS programs: \n"))
(princ (strcat "\n\tXLoad Version " ll_ver
"\n\tAvailable ADS programs: \n"))
(princ (strcat "\n\tLispLoad Version " ll_ver
"\n\tAvailable Lisp files: \n"))
(setq I_LIST nil)
(setq max_ls (ll_lns "" 1 1))
(setq ans (strcat
"\n\n\tAdd/Remove an entry/<Number to " (if unload "un" "") "load>: "))
(setq deffi (close deffi))
(setq d_item (ll_pfl max_ls 6 "Add Remove" ans))
((= d_item nil)
;; No file selected. Exiting.
((= d_item 0)
(if xld
(setq j:xa (cadr d_item))
(setq j:a (cadr d_item))
(ll_lox nil)
(setq ans nil)
;;; Read lines from a file until the argument matches the given sub-string
;;; Returns the last line read as a string.
;;; ll_rux == LLoad_Read_Until_X
(defun ll_rux (str j k / l cont line)
(setq cont T l 0)
(while cont
(setq line (read-line deffi))
;; Seek to the start of the default file definition
(if line
(if (= (substr line j k) str)
(setq cont nil)
(setq l (1+ l))
(setq cont nil)
line ; Return line as a string
;;; List names on the screen until an end of list marker is found.
;;; Store the items found into a list, I_LIST, a global
;;; Ignore blank lines and commented lines. Return number of lines.
;;; ll_lns == LLoad_List_Names_on_Screen
(defun ll_lns (str j k / l cont line)
(setq cont T l 0)
(while cont
(if (setq line (read-line deffi))
;; Seek to the end of the section delimited by "str"
;; Else print the line to the screen preceded by an integer
(if (= (substr line j k) str)
(setq cont nil)
(setq l (1+ l)
item (ll_tok line)
(append I_LIST (list item))
(list item)
(if (and (> l 1) (= (rem l 10) 1))
(if (= (rem l 20) 1)
(princ "\n\t<more> ")
(repeat 8 (progn (princ (chr 8)) ; back one char
(princ (chr 32)) ; space
(princ (chr 8)))) ; back one char
(princ (strcat "\n\t" (itoa l) ":\t " line))
(setq cont nil)
;;; Tokenize the line, removing any trailing blanks.
;;; Return the tokenized string
;;; ll_tok == LLoad_TOKenize
(defun ll_tok (str / sl j)
(setq sl (strlen str)
j 0
(while (= (substr str (- sl j) 1) " ")
(setq j (1+ j))
(substr str 1 (- sl j))
;;; Pick from the list by typing an integer, returns the item, zero or nil.
;;; ll_pfl == LLoad_Pick_From_List
(defun ll_pfl (max_l ig_b ig_str prmpt / OK ans return)
(while (null OK)
(initget ig_b ig_str)
(setq ans (getint prmpt))
((= ans "Remove")
(setq str "\n\tNumber of entry to remove from list: ")
(setq d_item (ll_pfl max_ls 6 "" str))
(if (/= d_item nil)
(princ (strcat "\n\tRemoving " (cadr d_item) " from list. "))
(ll_chl d_item nil)
(setq OK T return 0)
((= ans "Add")
(setq d_item (list 0 (ll_lox T)))
(if (nth 1 d_item) (ll_chl d_item T))
(setq OK T
return 0
((or (= ans "") (null ans))
(setq OK T
return nil
((and (> ans 0) (<= ans max_l))
(setq return (list ans (nth (1- ans) I_LIST))
((= max_l 0)
(princ "\n\tNo files to load.")
(setq OK nil)
((= max_l 1)
(princ "\n\tOnly one file to load.")
(setq OK nil)
(princ (strcat
"\n\tNumber must be between 1 and " (itoa max_l) "."))
(setq OK nil)
;;; Load or Xload the selected file. Returns a file name.
;;; ll_lox == LLoad_Load_Or_Xload
(defun ll_lox (typeit / dflt ans lfile temp)
(if typeit
(if (null (if xld j:xa j:a))
(setq dflt "No default")
(setq dflt (if xld j:xa j:a))
(setq ans (getstring (strcat
"\n\t" (if xld
"External program"
"Lisp routine"
" name to "
(if unload "un" "")
"load <"
dflt ">: \n\t")))
(if (not (or (eq ans "") (eq ans nil)))
(if (and (> (strlen ans) 4)
(= (substr ans (- (strlen ans) 3)) ".lsp"))
(setq ans (substr ans 1 (- (strlen ans) 4)))
(set (if xld (read "j:xa") (read "j:a")) ans)
(if (= (if xld j:xa j:a) "No default")
(princ "\nNo file specified. ")
(setq lfile (if xld j:xa (strcat j:a ".lsp")))
(if (not (setq temp (open lfile "r")))
(setq lfile (findfile (if xld j:xa (strcat j:a ".lsp"))))
;else just read it directly from the given path
(setq temp (close temp))
(if lfile
(if unload (princ "\n\tUnloading ") (princ "\n\tLoading "))
(princ (if xld j:xa (strcat j:a ".lsp... ")))
(if xld
(if unload
(xunload j:xa)
(xload j:xa)
(load j:a)
(princ " Done. ")
(princ "\n\t")
(princ (if xld j:xa (strcat j:a ".lsp ")))
(princ " -- Invalid filename or file not found.\n")
(setq lfile nil)
(if lfile (if xld j:xa j:a) nil)
;;; Add or remove the item from the default file.
;;; If A_OR_R is T then add, else remove
;;; ll_chl == LLoad_CHange_List
(defun ll_chl (item a_or_r / deffi k temp1 temp2 temp3)
(if a_or_r
;; Adding an item to the default list.
(if xld
(setq deffi (ll_lfx ll_xlf "a"))
(setq deffi (ll_lfx ll_llf "a"))
(princ (strcat "\n\tWriting " (cadr item) " to default file. "))
(write-line (cadr item) deffi)
;; Removing an item from the default list.
(if xld
(setq deffi (ll_lfx ll_xlf "r"))
(setq deffi (ll_lfx ll_llf "r"))
(setq temp1 (read-line deffi))
(setq temp2 (read-line deffi))
(setq temp3 (read-line deffi))
(close deffi)
(if xld
(setq deffi (ll_lfx ll_xlf "w"))
(setq deffi (ll_lfx ll_llf "w"))
(write-line temp1 deffi)
(write-line temp2 deffi)
(write-line temp3 deffi)
(setq k 0 l (length I_LIST))
(while (and (< k l) (/= k (1- (car item))))
(write-line (nth k I_LIST) deffi)
(setq k (1+ k))
(while (< (setq k (1+ k)) l)
(write-line (nth k I_LIST) deffi)
(setq deffi (close deffi))
;;; Build the default file from this file.
;;; ll_bdf == LLoad_Build_Default_File
(defun ll_bdf (/ ans deffi)
(initget "Yes No")
(setq ans (getkword "\nBuild a new default file? <Y>: "))
(if (= ans "No")
(ll_lox T)
(if xld
(if (setq deffi (open (strcat ll_xpf ll_xlf) "w"))
(princ ";;; Do NOT erase or change the first three lines\n" deffi)
(princ (strcat ";;; Version " ll_ver
" -- (c) Autodesk, Inc February 1990\n") deffi)
(princ ";;; XLOAD Default Files\n" deffi)
(if j:a (write-line j:a deffi))
(setq deffi (close deffi))
(princ "\nError opening XLOAD.DFS for writing. ")
(if (setq deffi (open (strcat ll_xpf ll_llf) "w"))
(princ ";;; Do NOT erase or change the first three lines\n" deffi)
(princ (strcat ";;; Version " ll_ver
" -- (c) Autodesk, Inc February 1990\n") deffi)
(princ ";;; LISP Default Files\n" deffi)
(if j:a (write-line j:a deffi))
(setq deffi (close deffi))
(princ "\nError opening LISP.DFS for writing. ")
;;; Return the first path in ACADPREFIX delimited by ";".
;;; ll_cpf == LLoad_Check_acadPreFix
(defun ll_cpf (pf / temp)
(setq j 1
l (strlen pf)
(while (<= j l)
(if (= (substr pf j 1) ";")
(setq temp (substr pf 1 (1- j)))
(setq j (1+ l))
(setq j (1+ j))
(if temp
;;; These are the C: function definitions
(defun c:ll () (l_load nil nil))
(defun c:xl () (l_load T nil))
(defun c:xul () (l_load T T))
;;; (defun c:load () (l_load nil nil))
;;; (defun c:xload () (l_load T nil))
;;; (defun c:xunload () (l_load T T))
(princ "\n\tLLoad loaded. Type LL, XL or XUL to start program. \t")